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Truncated Tau caused by intron retention is enriched in Alzheimer's disease cortex and exhibits altered biochemical properties

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022-09; 
Zhen-Kai Ngian, Yow-Yong Tan, Ching-Thong Choo, Wei-Qi Lin, Chao-Yong Leow, Shan-Jie Mah, Mitchell Kim-Peng Lai, Christopher Li-Hsian Chen, Chin-Tong Ong
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Catalog Antibody … Probing with customized antibodies designed against amino acids encoded by intron 11 showed … Two Tau11i antibodies were generated by GENSCRIPT using different amino acids … Get A Quote


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-β plaques and Tau tangles in brain tissues. Recent studies indicate that aberrant splicing and increased level of intron retention is linked to AD pathogenesis. Bioinformatic analysis revealed increased retention of intron 11 at the gene in AD female dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex as compared to healthy controls, an observation validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction using different brain tissues. Retention of intron 11 introduces a premature stop codon, resulting in the production of truncated Tau11i protein. Probing with customized antibodies designed against amino acids encoded by intron 11 showed that Tau11i protein is ... More


Alzheimer disease, Tau, intron retention